Bajans Can’t Get Enough Ozone Therapy

Sheree-Ann Niles is a creative at heart. She loves colour, art and writing and is currently working on her first novel. She has also spent twenty years working in the IT departments of major financial services firms. She is certified in interior design, property management, computer science and management.
“We are all about your wellness and you.” So, says the owner and creative engineer of Naniki Barbados, Mr Tom Hinds. The business has undergone its own share of challenges being hard hit with the water woes of the St Joseph parish in recent years. Its landmark twenty-two-acre property has offered guests a tranquil place to relax, recover and reconnect with themselves away from the bustle of urban life that pervades many of us. You will not find a man-made gym in an enclosed structure, but there is plenty of exercise to be had by walking the nature trail and taking a general trip around the property. A brand new fully equipped wellness centre is being constructed, in the meantime, however, Naniki Barbados is extending its wellness and holistic living outreach via its ozone therapy clinic in Belleville.
The treatment at this new facility goes beyond the four ozone bays. True to its genesis, there is the human touch in the form of friendly, responsive and qualified staff. There is instant relaxation from start until completion. If you have never done this treatment before, you will be well briefed on what to expect and the experience you will have. No dignity will be lost in the process.
The personalised sauna allows you sit while your body absorbs the ozone treatment following the heating process which causes the body to sweat and the pores to open. This method is the least invasive of ozone therapy administration. The minimum recommended time for treatment is twenty minutes. For some patients this results in a nap, for the more anxious among us, staff are willing to facilitate your needs by simply having a conversation with you as the time passes.
I had the experience of ozone therapy for the first time at the centre. I have to confess, I was one of the naturally anxious ones. I did feel revived at the end. My blood pressure was pretty high prior to the treatment and had normalised at the end. Ozone therapy is an alternative medicine line of treatments which is fast growing in Barbados. There is a greater emphasis on preventing and even reversing illnesses by boosting the immune system through detoxification. There is also the understanding that one cannot be truly well, unless one is prepared to treat all parts of their person and not just the physical.
In the middle of the Naniki restaurant is a mural by a former guest from Jamaica. Having undergone ozone treatment at Naniki’s recommendation, she came off pain meds for arthritis and was able to regain fine motor skills in her hands.
The mural, like Naniki Barbados, is a testament that there is always a new life and new possibilities at the other end of challenges and a visit to the ozone therapy clinic can be that new beginning for you.